0 By cSPACE In Posted February 7, 2024Springboard Performance presents: Vastadus eana, The answer is landSpringboard Performance presents Vastadus eana, The answer is land, a radical act of resilience by Indigenous Sami choreographer Elle Sofe Sara. READ MORE
By cSPACE In cSPACE News, Eau ClairePosted February 2, 2024cSPACE Eau Claire Residency: The Hibernation Project READ MORE
By cSPACE In cSPACE NewsPosted January 5, 2024I Heart Arts — a cSPACE Marda Loop Showcase EventcSPACE Marda Loop invites art lovers and community members to I Heart Arts! on Thursday, February 8, from 5:00 pm to 9:00 pm. READ MORE
By cSPACE In cSPACE NewsPosted January 1, 20242023 – A Year in ReviewThis past year unfolded, showing our dedication to community engagement and supporting the thriving creative sector in Calgary. READ MORE
By cSPACE In cSPACE News, Eau ClairePosted December 15, 2023Sharon StevensA special series of events celebrating the illustrious career of multi-award-winning media artist and activist, Sharon Stevens. READ MORE
By cSPACE In cSPACE NewsPosted December 6, 2023For Immediate Release — cSPACE Receives $50k Gift from Galvin Family FundThe Galvin Family Fund bestows an unrestricted donation of $50,000 to cSPACE Projects’ c_Creative Potential Fundraising Campaign. READ MORE
By cSPACE In cSPACE NewsPosted November 24, 2023For Immediate Release — Arts Spaces PlaybookThe Arts Spaces Playbook is a resource that caters to a diverse range of needs relating to finding and activating creative spaces. READ MORE
By cSPACE In cSPACE News, Eau ClairePosted November 9, 2023cSPACE Eau Claire Spotlight: Freedom Through TheatreLinda Kee brings Augusto Boal's Theatre of the Oppressed to cSPACE Eau Claire. READ MORE
By cSPACE In cSPACE NewsPosted October 27, 2023For Immediate Release — Electric Vehicle Charging StationSpringboard and cSPACE feature a selection of artists from this year’s Fluid Fest that embrace physical performance including dance, music, video, and site specific performance journeys. READ MORE