One Big JAM

One Big JAM

Chris Maric turns cSPACE Eau Claire into One Big JAM

An artist in residency program at cSPACE Eau Claire for the month of March, 2024. 

What is next for One Big JAM?

One Big JAM is summoning the community as part of our residency at the cSPACE Eau Claire Neighbourhood Hub, to collectively and inclusively discuss our next steps as a creative community. We invite you to join us and to provide your input.

For over a decade, One Big JAM has curated inclusive music experiences, through the incredible support of volunteers, artists and organizations. The organization continues to grow with a variety of new events, activations, and studio projects. We are at another pivotal moment in our story, and we would like to include you in our bold vision to improve the Calgary music, arts and culture scene.

Calgary is also growing and changing at an incredible pace. The potential opportunities create challenges for everyone, especially in a world that is also evolving exponentially.

One Big JAM believes that the key to these challenges is community-connection, and continuous improvement…. For our artists… for our community… for our culture.

About One Big JAM:

One Big JAM is a Calgary-based organization that is best known for curating our “radically inclusive,” fully-improvised concerts. Over the past ten years, we have consistently created high-quality events that welcome and challenge musicians, dancers and poets from a wide variety of Calgary’s cultural communities. We have earned a reputation of attracting many of Calgary’s most talented artists.

We believe in collaborating with all cultures, sharing their collective knowledge, and investing in the youth of the city. We also strive to create positive, cooperative relationships with several key businesses and organizations in Calgary, as well as grass-roots music organizations.

To provide even more opportunities to musicians of all ages and skill levels, we also developed Method Sessions, interactive educational workshops drawing from the talents of our community.

Photo credit: Wayne To