The 20/20
Who Made It
The 20/20 WAVELENGTH PROJECT: Who Made it Matter?
Who Made it Matter?
The 20/20 Wavelength Project is an evolving look at What Matters Now. It began as a way to engage our online and in person neighbourhoods as part of Alberta Culture Days. Phases 1 and 2 of the project culminated in the community exhibition that was held on 3 floors of cSPACE in September. The exhibition featured art, video and prose submissions from the community. Schools, art and language centres, people out on the street, all let us know what matters to them in light of the challenges of 2020.
Our lead artist, Andy Moro, also reached out to local artists in the spoken word, visual art, music and dance communities and captured their ideas on video. Andy collected all these disparate works and integrated them with sculptural elements. The resulting video reels were projected on walls, furniture, and historic King Edward school windows suspended in the hallway galleries. If you missed seeing Phase 1 and 2 of the exhibition in person, you can look forward to a video walk-through tour which will be posted in the new year.

Meanwhile, the project has expanded quickly, and now Andy and his team are hard at work transforming the original exhibition into Phase 3, which will be executed on the Art Cubes outside cSPACE. This phase of the project will see AR and QR technology integrate the community’s video messages onto light-filled shadow box sculptures that honour the land and the animals that have always mattered. Look out for an announcement revealing the launch of this phase of the exhibition in the next month. We hope it will serve as a beacon in the dark nights of winter, to remind us of the light to come again in spring.

Above, the trout is an important animal in Calgary’s history. This city grew up around the life sustaining rivers that flow through its centre. Even now the Bow River is considered one of the world’s best fly-fishing destinations. You’ll also find many underpasses in Calgary with fish detailing on the walls. This fish is an initial sketch for one of the large scale interactive Art Cube shadow theatres. The other three Art Cubes will each feature an animal richly connected to the history of the land: the Owl, the Deer, and the Bison.
The 20/20 Wavelength Project Is Deeply Grateful For The Artistic Spirit Of Its Partners And Sponsors
The Indefinite Arts Centre
Our Community Exhibition came to life on the first floor of cSPACE with the help of the artists from Indefinite Arts. Colourful drawings and the insightful thoughts and feelings that inspired them were printed on plexiglass and suspended in the hallway. The young artists that created them had the incredible opportunity to see their imaginative works shared and enjoyed by the public for the entire month of September.
The second floor video reel featured the generous submissions from, among others, the children of Willow Park school.

Last month we had the honour of profiling Grace Coulter Sherlock, of the innovative and award-winning architectural firm, Lemay. We love Lemay’s Net Positive approach that promotes human health, and is committed to sustainability through environmental protection and carbon emissions reduction.
“Protecting the environment doesn’t have to cost more,” – Louis T. Lemay, president and excellence facilitator.
Rockwood Custom Homes
Located on the west side of cSPACE, The Residences of King Edward were built by Rockwood Custom Homes with the aim of taking advantage of the natural community that cSPACE offers. We are delighted that their approach to excellence and first class living includes promoting access to our arts and culture hub
Rockwood is also a sponsor of the Poet’s Walk project, pictured here. On the West side of cSPACE’S Art Park, Poet’s Walk is accessible to all visitors to this public space. Photo: Katy Whitt

The Edward
This month we are highlighting our neighbours at The Edward. On the east side of cSPACE, The Edward nears completion. Built by Section 23 and featuring gorgeous design and stunning amenities, The Edward is an innovative boutique seniors’ residence for independent active seniors. How wonderful that The Edward counts neighbouring cSPACE as one of its many benefits.
We spoke with the Founder and Executive Chairman of Section23 Developments, Robert Ollerenshaw, and got on his wavelength about what matters to him most right now.